Don't Let the Fees Stack Up
Starting January 1, 2015, Fleet will assess an administrative fee, currently $38, for each full month that a citation remains unresolved.
Parking citations are the sole responsibility of the driver (BUS-46).
Parking citations may not be paid from any source of University funds.
The citation on the windshield is considered the initial notice. Fleet does
not receive a copy of the initial notice. Therefore, the driver must provide the Vehicle Custodian with a copy of the citation and indicate how the citation will be resolved.
The department is responsible for compelling the driver to resolve the citation in a satisfactory and timely manner.
When a citation is successfully resolved, the driver should notify the Vehicle Custodian, who in turn should verify it online
If Fleet receives a second or subsequent notices of the citation, we will forward them to the Vehicle Custodian within one business day of receipt.
Starting January 1, 2015, Fleet will assess an administrative fee, currently $38, for each full month that a citation remains unresolved after Fleet forwards a second or subsequent notice.
Ongoing patterns of unresolved citations may be escalated.
For more information, find details here.