
Sell Idle And End Of Life Equipment For Money Back To Your Department!

For more information on selling and revenue sharing of campus equipment, please contact Excess and Surplus at ucsurplus@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail). See link below for revenue sharing rates. 

Refrigerator Disposal

Effective October 1, 2019 there will be a disposal fee for all refrigerators sent to UC Surplus. The fee will be $121.00

I'm disposing of...

Cage Requests and Salvage Pickups

Please email centdist@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail) for cage requests and salvage pickups.

For salvage pickups, please provide detail descriptions of the items and photos if available. 


  • Scheduled through Central Distribution.
  • Your salvaged items are picked up and delivered to Salvage by Central Distribution.
  • For any items that cannot be retrieved by our single UC Berkeley Central Dsitrubution staff within a 20 minute time period, or is not accessible by straight access to the street (including freight elevator), or is too big or heavy to be accommodated, or cannot be delivered by the customer, customers may secure assistance through UC Berkeley Moving and Event services for the following cost.

Moving Vendor Rate:  $250 - $275/hour (subject to change)

Moving Services Administrative Rate:  $95/hour

Click here to request services: Moving Services Request Form

Status of your request

To check the status of your request, email centdist@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail) .