Storage Rates

Storage Rates

Should a buyer or customer department require holding of equipment, they will be subject to charges based on the current storage rates.

Current storage rates are available here: Rental Storage Recharge Rates

Rental Storage Recharge Rates


Unit of Mesure

FY22 Rates

FY23 Rates

FY24 Rates

FY25 Rates

Cubic Square Foot $/CF $0.22 $0.23 $0.24 $0.25
Cage 15'x12'x8' (1440 cf) $/month $316.80 $331.20 $345.60 $360.00
Cage 20'x10'x8' (1600 cf) $/month $352.00 $368.00 $384.00 $400.00
Cage 16'x16'x8' (2048 cf) $/month $450.56 $471.04 $491.52 $512.00
Cage 16'x15'x8' (1920 cf) $/month $422.40 $441.60 $460.80 $480.00
Cage 12'x16'x8' (1536 cf) $/month $337.92 $353.28 $368.64 $384.00
Cage 15'x15'x8' (1800 cf) $/month $396.00 $414.00 $432.00 $450.00
Cage 12'x12'x8' (1152 cf) $/month $253.00 $264.96 $276.48 $288.00
Cage 10'x15'x8' (1200 cf) $/month $264.00 $276.00 $288.00 $300.00
Cage 11'x15'x8' (1320 cf) $/month $290.40 $303.60 $316.80 $330.00
Pallet Space 4'x4'x4.5' (72 cf) $/month $16.00 $16.50 $17.25 $17.50
Oversized pallets 4'x4'x9' $/month $30.00 $33.00 $34.00 $35.00

Note: Rates approved for FY21 will increase to $.0.22/cf

  Palate Space = $16/cf/month